Applying principles of electrolysis, phase balance and colloidisation to acid treatment for oil well flow restoration

  • Tran Hong Nam Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation
  • Nguyen Hoang Duc Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation
  • Nguyen Hai An Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation
  • Phung Van Hai Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation
  • Nguyen Xuan Loc Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation
Keywords: Acidizing, phase balance, colloidisation, near-wellbore treatment, restoration of oil well, Bir Seba field


Acidising is a common method to treat near-wellbore contamination, helping to restore its productivity of oil wells after a period of exploitation. However, this technology also has potential risks of well damages caused by unwanted secondary physicochemical or chemical reactions due to incorrect selection of acid package and concentration. Most physicochemical reactions in the reservoir are bidirectionally electrolytic, thus, monitoring the reaction in the desirable direction is extremely important.
The article introduces the application of the principles of phase balance, colloidisation and electrolysis to accurately select a package of acids compatible with the composition of soil, rock and fluid in the reservoir, iminimising side effects creating precipitates or emulsions/ colloids that clog and destroy the reservoir. The solution has been successfully applied to production wells BRS-13 & 18, BRS oil field, Block 433a & 416b, Algeria.


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How to Cite
Tran, H. N., Nguyen, H. D., Nguyen, H. A., Phung , V. H., & Nguyen, X. L. (2023). Applying principles of electrolysis, phase balance and colloidisation to acid treatment for oil well flow restoration. Petrovietnam Journal, 1, 26-31.