Energy transition trends and response solutions for the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group

  • Huu Luong Nguyen Vietnam Petroleum Institute
  • Dai Long Nguyen Vietnam Petroleum Institute
Keywords: Energy transition, CCS/CCUS, hydrogen, net zero, Petrovietnam


The energy industry is facing a shift towards energy transition to reduce carbon emissions from activities, aiming to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. The main trends include (1) Energy conservation, (2) Renewable energy development, (3) Electrification, (4) CCS/CCUS, and (5) Hydrogen development. For the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam), these energy transition trends not only create challenges that require appropriate steps to minimize carbon emissions from oil and gas activities, but also, create opportunities to expand the value chain of operations towards efficient and sustainable development. To overcome these challenges, Petrovietnam needs to establish a roadmap with specific goals and plans to implement energy transition solution groups based on a combination of: (1) Solutions to reduce carbon emissions from oil and gas activities towards the goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050; (2) Solutions to develop and expand the value chain in line with energy transition trends and ensuring sustainable development; and (3) "Just transition" solutions to protect workers' rights and promote a smooth and effective energy transition process. Mobilizing total resources within and outside Petrovietnam is crucial to realizing the above goals and plans. Petrovietnam needs to incorporate these objectives into its strategy and have plans for implementation, monitoring, and periodic updates on progress.


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How to Cite
Nguyen, H. L., & Nguyen, D. L. (2024). Energy transition trends and response solutions for the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group. Petrovietnam Journal, (2), 4-20.

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