Policy tools to support and leverage the development of Vietnam's wind power industry from experience of some pioneering countries worldwide

  • Thu Ha Nguyen Vietnam Petroleum Institute
  • Diep Van Dao Vietnam Petroleum Institute
Keywords: Legal framework, offshore wind power, offshore wind power development policies, offshore wind power development in Vietnam


The article introduces the development roadmap for the offshore wind power industry, emphasizing its importance in reducing carbon emissions and promoting renewable energy. It describes the current priority policies for offshore wind power development, including tax incentives, financial support, and the establishment of special economic zones for renewable energy. The article also highlights key success factors such as transparent support policies, strong government commitments, and collaboration among stakeholders in pioneering countries like Denmark, Germany, and the UK.
Regarding the current situation in Vietnam, the authors analyze existing policy instruments and challenges in developing offshore wind power, and then propose improvement measures such as establishing a clear and comprehensive policy framework, enhancing investment in infrastructure and R&D, as well as creating more favorable conditions for domestic and foreign investors in this field.


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Các giai đoạn phát triển ngành công nghiệp điện gió thế giới từ năm 1970 đến nay
How to Cite
Nguyen, T. H., & Dao, D. V. (2024). Policy tools to support and leverage the development of Vietnam’s wind power industry from experience of some pioneering countries worldwide. Petrovietnam Journal, 2, 41-50. https://doi.org/10.47800/PVSI.2024.02-04