Impact of the 4th Industrial Revolution on the oil and gas industry

  • Le Huyen Trang Vietnam Petroleum Institute
  • Le Viet Trung Vietnam Petroleum Institute
  • Doan Tien Quyet Vietnam Petroleum Institute
  • Nguyen Hong Diep Vietnam Petroleum Institute
  • Pham Thi Thu Ha School of Economics and Management, Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Keywords: 4th Industrial Revolution, oil and gas industry


The paper analyses the impact of the 4th Industrial Revolution on the oil and gas industry both from a direct and indirect perspective.The world’s oil and gas industry is having the opportunity to apply the scientific and technological advances and  achievements of the 4th Industrial Revolution to reduce production costs, diversify products, and implement cleaner, safer and more effective production. However, the 4th Industrial Revolution also requires the oil and gas industry to change the structure, construction and operation of its assets, as well as to face with the rising propensity to use renewable fuels.


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How to Cite
Huyen Trang, L., Viet Trung, L., Tien Quyet, D., Hong Diep, N., & Thi Thu Ha, P. (2017). Impact of the 4th Industrial Revolution on the oil and gas industry. Petrovietnam Journal, 4, 54 - 59. journal.v4i0.148