Responsibility and authority in management of overseas upstream investment and application for Petrovietnam

  • Nguyen Thi Lan Anh
  • Ngo Thi Mai Hanh
  • Hoang Manh Anh
  • Nham Phong Tuan
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Overseas upstream investment has been executed by oil companies for many years. To ensure that the investment operations comply with local regulations as well as international petroleum practices and resources are deployed and utilised most effectively, international upstream companies have chosen and applied various models of internal management. This paper discusses ‘‘responsibility and authority’’ within a management model and compares Petrovietnam’s overseas investments with other oil companies. From an analysis of the management models of
Talisman, JX NOEX, Premier Oil, Idemitsu Oil & Gas Co. Ltd, Petronas, Chevron, ONGC, Mitra Energy, BP, Santos and Petrovietnam, the authors evaluate the issue of responsibility and authority in the management of overseas upstream investments of oil companies and make some recommendations for Petrovietnam.


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Nguyễn Thị Lan Anh và nnk. Nghiên cứu mô hình tổ chức quản lý hoạt động đầu tư ra nước ngoài trong lĩnh vực thượng nguồn của các công ty dầu khí trên thế giới và khả năng áp dụng đối với Petrovietnam. Viện Dầu khí Việt Nam. 2013.

How to Cite
Anh, N. T. L., Hanh, N. T. M., Anh, H. M., & Tuan, N. P. (2013). Responsibility and authority in management of overseas upstream investment and application for Petrovietnam. Petrovietnam Journal, 7, 48-5. Retrieved from