Climate strategies of oil and gas corporations and some recommendations for Petrovietnam

  • Dang Thanh Tung Vietnam Oil and Gas Group
  • Nguyen Thi Thuy Tien Vietnam Oil and Gas Group
  • Nguyen Anh Duc Vietnam Oil and Gas Group
  • Nguyen Trung Khuong Vietnam Oil and Gas Group
  • Nguyen Huong Chi Vietnam Oil and Gas Group
  • Phan Ngoc Trung Vietnam Petroleum Institute
Keywords: Climate change, climate change adaptation strategy, oil and gas


Climate change is a major global challenge, which is complex, unpredictable and will continue at an increasingly fast rate, causing risks and great impacts on companies and the global economy. Adapting to climate change and ensuring energy security is a challenge that any country or business in the world has to face. Although approaches may vary, all oil and gas companies need to be more proactive in responding and adapting to climate change with solutions to: (i) manage climate risks as part of their corporate risk management and (ii) develop a climate change adaptation strategy. The strategies of major IOCs and NOCs in the coming period are directed towards two major strategic trends, namely: energy transition and GHG emission reduction. Most of the Asian NOCs have either implemented low-carbon energy development solutions to gradually replace conventional energy or actively participated in GHG reduction initiatives.


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John Firth, “Oil and gas: Understanding the investment implications of adapting to climate change”, 10/2009. [Online]. Available:

UNEP, “Emission gap report 2021”, 26/10/2021. [Online]. Available:

IEA, “Net zero by 2050: A roadmap for global energy sector”, 17/5/2021. [Online]. Available:

Theodoros Katopodis and Athanasios Sfetsos, “A review of climate change impacts to oil sector critical services and suggested recommendations for industry uptake”, Infrastructures, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 74, 2019. DOI: 10.3390/infrastructures4040074.

How to Cite
Dang, T. T., Van Hoi, T. T. T., Nguyen, A. D., Nguyen, T. K., Nguyen, H. C., & Phan , N. T. (2022). Climate strategies of oil and gas corporations and some recommendations for Petrovietnam. Petrovietnam Journal, 1, 63 - 69.

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