Application of process increasing the reliability, accuracy in 3D seismic interpretation to make structural maps and predict the sand distribution for the Upper Miocene turbidite in Moc Tinh field, Block 05-3, Nam Con Son basin
The upper Miocene turbidite sand UMB15-20 is the main gas - condensate reservoir having very good porosity and permeability in the Moc Tinh field. Reflection seismic data and the physical model calculations showed that the top and bottom of this sand reservoir reflected seismic waves with AVO class III or class IIp attributes inconsistently in all 8 drilled wells, which caused some risks in determining the corresponding seismic reflections to map the top/bottom geological structure of the reservoir and predict the sand distribution by conventional seismic interpretation methods. Bien Dong POC has applied the interpretation - analysis process by integrating rock physics, AVO model, pre-stacking seismic inversion, and verified with results of petrophysics - seismic justification to assess the accuracy and reliability of seismic attribute cubes, and cut-off values corresponding to reservoir/non-reservoir type; thereby, the mapping and predicting of the reservoir sand distribution of the field were conducted. The results of the above application have established a product set including the top/bottom maps of the UMB15-20 reservoir and the boundary of the sand distribution with the highest reliability. This map set was used for HIIP calculation in the 2021 Resource Assessment Report and static/dynamic modeling to efficiently support the field operation and management. In addition, these data are also used to optimize the location of Bien Dong POC's upcoming infill drilling wells.
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