Characteristics of carbonate formations containing oil and gas in Vietnam

  • Tran Khac Tan Vietnam Petroleum Association
  • Ngo Thuong San Vietnam Petroleum Association
  • Nguyen Xuan Phong Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation
  • Nguyen Anh Duc Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation
  • Tran Nhu Huy Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation
Keywords: Carbonate formation, Cenozoic, Paleozoic


Nowadays, more than 50% of oil in the world are produced from carbonate rocks. In the early 20th century, French geologists discovered brown liquid in crystal cavities and fissures on a thin strip of strongly deformed graphitised limestone belonging to the Paleozoic folded basement of Nui Lich mountain, Yen Bai province. In 1987, the frst oil was produced with 3,280barrels/day at 2,270 - 2,275m depth from the Miocene carbonate formation of DH-1X well, Nam Con Son basin, offshore Vietnam.

In recent years, the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group has accelerated petroleum exploration and production on the entire continental shelf of Vietnam. The result is a series of oil and gas discoveries in Carboniferous - Permian to Miocene carbonate rocks. The paper evaluates the distribution, stratigraphic position, reservoir characteristics, trap types and petroleum potential of carbonate formations containing oil and gas in Vietnam, which help to orientate hydrocarbon prospecting and exploration activities.


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How to Cite
Tran, K. T., Ngo, T. S., Nguyen, X. P., Nguyen, A. D., & Tran, N. H. (2017). Characteristics of carbonate formations containing oil and gas in Vietnam. Petrovietnam Journal, 1, 38 - 46. journal.v1i0.108