Investigating the effects of various parameters on the bit life

  • Nguyen Huu Truong Petrovietnam University
Keywords: Bit life, various parameters, statistical software, multiple-regression analysis


During well drilling execution, several parameters affect the bit life, such as weight on the bit, well depth, rotary speed, pump flow
rate, rock properties, drilling technology, and the rheological properties of the drilling fluid that has been used. It is, therefore, important to accurately construct the bit life model for the basement. If the bit life is not accurately predicted, there will be certain risks during the drilling process in the field such as cone loss and low penetration rate, leading to increase in the cost of drilling. In this article, the authors propose to construct a highly reliable bit life model to drill wells in the basement with the statistical software, based on which the effects of various parameters on the bit life will be estimated using multiple regression analysis.


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How to Cite
Huu Truong, N. (2017). Investigating the effects of various parameters on the bit life. Petrovietnam Journal, 3, 28 - 34. journal.v3i0.132