Application of managed pressure drilling technique for high temperature high pressure wells in Nam Con Son basin

  • Nguyen Anh Tuan
  • Nguyen Thanh Tung
  • Le Vu Quan
  • Le Quoc Trung
  • Tran Dang Tu
Keywords: Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD), Constant Bottom Hole Pressure (CBHP), High Temperature, High Pressure (HTHP).


Nowadays, new oil and gas prospects in the continental shelf of Vietnam are discovered in deep water, offshore areas where there are complex geological conditions, pressure and temperature anomalies, etc. Among which, the change of bottom hole pressure is the main cause of incidents during drilling such as instability of wellbore, collapses, loss of circulation, and influx of reservoir fluids, etc. The paper presents the Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) technology and the results of application of the Constant Bottom Hole Pressure (CBHP) method in the Nam Con Son basin. This is an effective solution that helps stabilise wellbore, improve well control, prevent and limit the loss of circulation, minimise non-production time, reduce contamination of formation, and create the best conditions for well testing. Key words: Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD), Constant Bottom Hole Pressure (CBHP), High Temperature, High Pressure (HTHP).


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How to Cite
Nguyen Anh Tuan, Nguyen Thanh Tung, Le Vu Quan, Le Quoc Trung, & Tran Dang Tu. (2018). Application of managed pressure drilling technique for high temperature high pressure wells in Nam Con Son basin. Petrovietnam Journal, 12, 20-30. journal.v12i0.137

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