Selection of optimised PDC bits in the 8½” hole section of HTHP wells at Hai Thach field, Nam Con Son basin

  • Hoang Thanh Tung
  • Nguyen Pham Huy Cuong
  • Tran Hong Nam
  • Le Quang Duyen
  • Dao Thi Uyen
Keywords: Optimum drill bit, selection of optimised PDC bit, ROP, economic efficiency of bit selection


The selection of suitable drill bit can increase the rate of penetration (ROP) as well as drilling section depth, thereby reducing the operation cost of drilling wells and increasing economic efficiency. The article presents the methodology, calculations, selection criteria and design evaluation of suitable PDC bits to increase the ROP of the 8½" section for HTHP wells at Hai Thach field. The study results show that when using the optimum PDC bit as proposed for the 8½” section, the ROP has doubled compared to before. This has proven to be technically and economically feasible for the project and also opens a new direction for the selection of PDC bit for other fields with similar formation conditions and well profile.


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How to Cite
Hoang Thanh Tung, Nguyen Pham Huy Cuong, Tran Hong Nam, Le Quang Duyen, & Dao Thi Uyen. (2019). Selection of optimised PDC bits in the 8½” hole section of HTHP wells at Hai Thach field, Nam Con Son basin. Petrovietnam Journal, 2, 25-34. journal.v2i0.238

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