Assessment of structural reliability of fixed steel offshore platforms on the basis of expanded fatigue conditions, taking into account extreme wave effects

  • Mai Hong Quan
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The safety of a fixed offshore structure (FOS) is guaranteed based on the strength conditions of the structure subject to extreme wave action, and on the other hand, it is also assessed based on the failure conditions due to the fatigue accumulated during the exploitation of the structure, or the so-called “conventional fatigue” condition.
This paper deals with the safety evaluation of fixed offshore structures (FOS) of Jacket type (the most common one) based on the failure conditions caused by “conventional fatigue” accumulated until the appearance of an extreme wave, including the fatigue failure caused by such an extreme wave. This fatigue is conventionally referred to as “expanded fatigue”. The safety of Jacket structures based on the “expanded fatigue” condition is estimated using the structural reliability theory.
The paper also presents the author’s calculations performed at a specific structure under operation in the Vietnamese waters. The obtained results allow not only the assessment of structural reliability based on the “conventional fatigue” condition, but also a comparison between this one with the reliability based on the “expanded fatigue” conditions along the operational process of the structure.


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How to Cite
Quan, M. H. (2013). Assessment of structural reliability of fixed steel offshore platforms on the basis of expanded fatigue conditions, taking into account extreme wave effects. Petrovietnam Journal, 9, 54-60. Retrieved from