Environmental impacts of bio-fuels through emission

  • Le Quoc Phong
Keywords: -


Air pollution is emerging to become a global problem. Emission from vehicles is one of the most dangerous polluters. Use of bio-diesel is one of the means to reduce the emissions, particularly of particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). The trend toward using bio-fuel as an alternative fuel will significantly increase in the near future as crude oil resources become depleted. This paper presents experimental results from a heavy-duty diesel engine using different bio-diesel fuels. Experimental bio-diesel fuels are rapeseed methyl ester (RME), blends of RME with conventional diesel fuel, gas to liquids (GTL), blends of GTL with conventional diesel fuel, O2-diesel fuels called O2-1 (O2-diesel) in this experiment (a blend of ethanol and diesel fuel) and the blend of O2-diesel and 5% RME called O2-2 (95% O2-diesel - 5% RME). The results presented here demonstrate that those bio-fuels not only represent a solution to counter the mounting scarcity of fossil fuels but also reduce the central elements of emissions.


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How to Cite
Phong, L. Q. (2013). Environmental impacts of bio-fuels through emission. Petrovietnam Journal, 10, 68-74. Retrieved from https://pvj.com.vn/index.php/TCDK/article/view/717