Optimising the operation of pipelines equipped with pigging system for transporting crude oil with high paraffin content
Oil produced at Vietsovpetro’s fields has high paraffin and asphaltene content and high pour point temperature; meanwhile the low temperature at the well head causes paraffin and asphaltene deposition to form in the collection and transportation system, causing hazards and risks during the pipeline operation. The paper analyses the factors affecting the efficiency of the pigging operation to clean the oil transportation pipelines from the CTC1 platform (Ca Tam field) to the RP-2 platform (Rong field), Cuu Long basin, solutions and how to operate the pipeline system in order to improve the efficiency of the pipeline cleaning process by pigging.
А.Г.Ахмадеев, Фам Тхань Винь, Буй Чонг Хан, Ле Хыу Тоан, Нгуен Хоай Ву, и А.И.Михайлов, “Оптимизация безнасосного транспорта продукции скважин в условиях морской нефтедобычи”, Нефтяное хозяйство, номер 11: c. 140 - 142, 2017. DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2017-11-140-142.
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