Pre-drill pore pressure prediction using seismic interval velocity and wireline log: Case studies for some wells in Cuu Long and Song Hong basins

  • Nguyen Van Hoang PetroVietnam Exploration Production Corporation
  • Pham Quy Ngoc Vietnam Petroleum Institute
  • Nguyen Minh Quy Vietnam Petroleum Institute
  • Doan Huy Hien Vietnam Petroleum Institute
Keywords: Abnormal pressure, Eaton method, Cuu Long basin, Song Hong basin


Pore pressure can be obtained from seismic interval velocity by the velocity to pore pressure transform technique. In this paper, the authors present the Eaton experimental method to calculate pore pressure for some wellbores in the Cuu Long and Song Hong basins, where complex processes of subsidence, burial, geological transformation, and geothermal activity took place, causing abnormal pressure zones.
The obtained results show that the pore pressures calculated from the seismic interval velocity data are closely correlated with the values measured by well logging methods and the density of the drilling fluids. Therefore, using seismic interval velocities to calculate pore pressure values, identify and predict abnormal zones by the Eaton method can be effectively applied in frontier areas to improve safety, reduce risks while drilling.


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How to Cite
Nguyen , V. H., Pham, Q. N., Nguyen , M. Q., & Doan , H. H. (2022). Pre-drill pore pressure prediction using seismic interval velocity and wireline log: Case studies for some wells in Cuu Long and Song Hong basins. Petrovietnam Journal, 8, 05 - 12.

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