Sedimentary facies and depositional environments of late oligocene sediments in block 09-3/12, Northwest Cuu Long basin

  • Nguyen Van Kieu
  • Bui Viet Dung
  • Nguyen Trung Hieu
  • Pham Viet Au
  • Pham Hong Trang
  • Nguyen Huy Giang
Keywords: Facies and depositional environment, D sequence, Late Oligocene, Block 09-3/12, Cuu Long basin


On the basis of biostratigraphic, petrographic and well-log analysis in combination with 3D seismic data interpretation, the authors have divided the late Oligocene (D sequence) sediments in Block 09-3/12 of Cuu Long basin into 4 system tracts (2 sequences), which are bounded by 3 sequence boundaries (SH10, SH8b and SH8) and 2 maximum flooding surfaces (MFS1 and MFS2). The study results have identified the variation of sedimentary facies and reconstructed the model of depositional environment for each system tracts. In general, the depositional environment of D sequence is dominated by fluvial and marginal lacustrine facies in the southeast and shallow to deep lacustrine facies in the western and northwestern parts. Sediment supply is mainly from Con Son swell and local basement heigh structure in the southeastern part. The study results also indicate that recent discoveries in B formation are mainly related to marginal lacustrine sandstone reservoir forming during the lowstand period of MFS1-SH8b system tracts.


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How to Cite
Nguyen Van Kieu, Bui Viet Dung, Nguyen Trung Hieu, Pham Viet Au, Pham Hong Trang, & Nguyen Huy Giang. (2018). Sedimentary facies and depositional environments of late oligocene sediments in block 09-3/12, Northwest Cuu Long basin. Petrovietnam Journal, 1, 27-35. journal.v1i0.44

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