Reservoir characterisation of deep water deposits: a case study from MMF30 interval, Hai Thach field, Nam Con Son basin

  • Phung Van Phong
  • Vu The Anh
  • Pham Thi Hong
  • Bui Viet Dung
  • Khuc Hong Giang
Keywords: Turbidite, reservoir characteristic, seismic attributes


A good understanding of the complexity and architecture of deep water reservoir type becomes ever more important to optimise its development and production. Recent technology advances such as higher resolution 3D seismic data combined with sequence stratigraphy in deep water reservoir settings and well log evaluation have resulted in enhancement of the understanding of turbidite complex reservoirs. In MMF30 reservoir, the turbidite sand is of good quality with sand thicknesses between 31m and 52mTVDSS, the average effective porosity between 14% and 16%, and shale volume between 22% and 29%.


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How to Cite
Phung Van Phong, Vu The Anh, Pham Thi Hong, Bui Viet Dung, & Khuc Hong Giang. (2018). Reservoir characterisation of deep water deposits: a case study from MMF30 interval, Hai Thach field, Nam Con Son basin . Petrovietnam Journal, 6, 25-30. journal.v6i0.76

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