Study on applied technologies to propose solutions for enhancing hydraulic fracturing efficiency in tight sandstone reservoirs of the Cuu Long basin

  • Hoang Long
  • Phung Dinh Thuc
  • Nguyen Minh Quy
  • Trinh Viet Thang
  • Pham Truong Giang
  • Bui Viet Dung
  • Le Thi Thu Huong
Keywords: Hydraulic fracturing, fracking, geomechanical model, fracture prediction model, proppant, fracturing fluid, oil incremental, tight Oligocene formation, tight sandstone reservoir


The main objective of this study is to evaluate hydraulic fracturing technologies applied in the oil fields of the Cuu Long basin to obtain lessons learned and propose solutions to improve the efficiency of hydraulic fracturing methods for the tight clastic formations therein. For that purpose, an assessment of representative hydraulic fracturing cases in oil production wells is conducted, focusing on well candidate selection, lithological composition, and reservoir rock properties for calculating geomechanical parameters and stress fields. Geomechanical models that simulate fracture development are compared to actual applications, namely in terms of effective treatment radius, required fracturing injection pressure, proppant size, injection pressure control processes, as well as flow return and well monitoring methods. The study also reviews modern and effective hydraulic fracturing technologies currently applied worldwide, particularly advanced geomechanical simulations, to accurately predict fracture networks, permeability, conductivity, the length, width, and height of fractures within productive fracturing zones. Based on the research outcome, solutions are proposed to improve the efficiency of hydraulic fracturing for the Miocene and Oligocene formations in the Cuu Long basin.


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How to Cite
Hoang Long, Phung Dinh Thuc, Nguyen Minh Quy, Trinh Viet Thang, Pham Truong Giang, Bui Viet Dung, & Le Thi Thu Huong. (2024). Study on applied technologies to propose solutions for enhancing hydraulic fracturing efficiency in tight sandstone reservoirs of the Cuu Long basin. Petrovietnam Journal, 6, 22 - 30.

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