Optimisation of pipeline integrity management cost by simulation in combination with experimental and risk based inspection (RBI) study

  • Tran Cong Nhat
  • Ngo Huu Hai
  • Dang Anh Tuan
  • Nguyen Thi Le Hien
  • Le Xuan Vinh
Keywords: Corrosion assessment, risk-based inspection, pipeline simulation, intelligent pigging, cost optimisation


Subsea pipeline integrity management requires frequent launching of intelligent pig which involves very high risk and cost, especially if using subsea pig receiver. BIENDONG POC has conducted simulation in combination with experimental and risk-based inspection (RBI) studies. This solution helped BIENDONG POC to better manage the operational and emergency risks to subsea pipelines, and determine the required intelligent pigging time to be 10 years after first gas, instead of 5 years as previous settings, thus reducing risks and significantly saving time and operational cost.


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How to Cite
Tran Cong Nhat, Ngo Huu Hai, Dang Anh Tuan, Nguyen Thi Le Hien, & Le Xuan Vinh. (2019). Optimisation of pipeline integrity management cost by simulation in combination with experimental and risk based inspection (RBI) study. Petrovietnam Journal, 2, 69-74. https://doi.org/10.25073/petrovietnam journal.v2i0.243

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